
Cancellation Policy

Must be given a cancelation notice within 48 hours of the appointment. Canceling within less than 48 hours of the appointment will result in a 15% cleaning fee…limitations do apply. Canceling within less than 24 hours of the appointment will result in 30% cleaning fee…limitations do apply.

Unsafe environment

We will not clean hoarder homes or homes with excessive clutter. This makes the environment unsafe for the cleaners and it is an insurance liability. If a cleaner enters a home and feels unsafe due to other reasons, the cleaner will leave immediately, and a 20% charge will be added for going to the residence.

Pet policy

Due to safety, we require that clients place their pets in a safe and secure room or crate during time of cleaning. It is a hazard to the cleaners safety. Animals may be exposed to cleaning products that could be harmful to the pet. We want to ensure the utmost safety for employees and pets. If you have specific questions or concerns about this, please notify us prior to cleaning for a resolution.

Entry policy

When scheduling a cleaning for a time that the residence will be vacant: we can use a code to enter the home. The code will be given to the cleaners on the day of the appointment with any instructions provided by the client. If entering by key, the client can place the key in a safe space for the cleaner to access and enter the residence, upon leaving we will follow the instructions provided by the client. If on a subscription or routine cleaning schedule, clients are permitted to leave a spare key with the manager. The key will be kept in a locked safe with the manager and the client can request the key back anytime at their discretion. If a client has specific access instructions, please let us know before the day of cleaning.